[Note: we're informed they've got enough people now. See links at the bottom of this post if you're interested in checking in directly to see if that changes]
Because we’re not all sour grapes.

Volunteers are sought to provide assistance with completing the installation of the All Access Playground at the Commons, this Saturday at 8:30 AM. It’s a “habitat for humanity” sort of deal.
Funded by the Rotary and the Town, this is the last step to complete the playground. The playground company will be there to guide the volunteers.
Seems a good opportunity to chip in, and an even better one for college kids coming home for the holidays or local students seeking community service hours.
See below for links to more info.
Tell ‘em SMARTMoraga sent you.
For more info or questions:
contact Moraga Rotary (Kevin Reneau)
see Moraga Rotary Playground Webpage