A fact check of one of the Town Manager's responses to citizen inquiries about the fiscal emergency doesn't quite check out.
Background: On August 8, 2017, the Town Council held a special meeting to discuss the fiscal emergency, during which town staff responded to resident questions and concerns, including written responses to questions sent in advance.
Resident question: I certainly hope installing roundabouts will be eliminated due to Moraga's financial status!?
TM response: The Roundabout Project is grant funded and future work on the project will be determined by the Town Council. No General Fund revenue is proposed for this project. (click here for the Q&A document)
Fact check: False. Nearly $200,000 in town funds already have been spent on the roundabout project in addition to $450,000 in grant funds:
$140,707 in town funds were authorized on 11/9/16 and have since been spent. source: Town Council Meeting Minutes and Staff Report, 11/9/16
$41,493 in town funds were authorized on 9/10/14 and have since been spent. source: Town Council Meeting Minutes and Staff Report, 9/10/14
The time and cost of town staff are not included in the amounts above.
Concerned about the lack of accuracy and honesty
coming from Town Hall?
Click/hold the magic link below to email all your Councilmembers:
Town Q&A stating grant funded (page 5, question 17) here
9/10/14 Council meeting approval of $41k here
11/9/16 Council meeting approval of $141k here