A year ago last week, we launched SMARTMoraga as a result of Moraga's declared fiscal emergency and our concern about the town's direction and management. Our individual efforts and recommendations fell on deaf ears at Town Hall, so a number of us joined forces for a greater voice.
Here we are, a storm drain ballot and town council election later, still kickin'.
If you like what we've been able to uncover, report and analyze, perhaps you can spare a few bucks to help us offset our website/blog hosting, associated domain costs, a PO Box (and the occasional sign planting, as needed)?
You can donate here:
Some fun facts about our first year in action:
7,500 unique visitors to the website
14,000 website visits
28,500 pageviews
Our most popular articles included: La Finestra at Hacienda DOA, Storm Drain Central, the Rheem Theater property swap, Election 2018, Fact Checks, and How Millions of Palos Colorados Funds Really Get Spent
Many thanks for your past and continuing support!
Pass this along to your friends or discuss on NextDoor here to spread the word and increase participation.