In today's Lamorinda Weekly, Mayor Kymberleigh Korpus endorsed three candidates for town council while simultaneously denigrating two others. It is unclear whether the letter reflects her personal opinion or that of the town with her as Mayor, since she signed the letter with her official title.
The letter accuses one candidate of being a trojan horse and longtime drug user and summarily dismisses another entirely.
The content of the letter is here, third one down.
In our collective memory, this is the first public endorsement or discrediting of any candidate by a sitting public official in Moraga.
And it's an embarrassment.
Before we go further, if you agree with us that such a letter is inappropriate coming from a sitting Mayor:
Let the Town Council know by emailing the town clerk (link) and asking that your message be read into the public record at tonight's council meeting during agenda item 5 (public comments), or
Call into tonight's meeting and voice your displeasure realtime during public comment (agenda and Zoom information is here)
There's a budding NextDoor discussion here.
Interestingly, there appears to be a definitive connection between the Mayor's "preferred" candidates and a variety of town organizations, including the Moraga Community Foundation and the Lamorinda Weekly itself, which historically has refused to print any negative letters with respect to local candidates.
We'll connect those dots in more detail later, but if you need a hint, go to our Election 2020 page and click on any article link related to Teresa Onoda's previous tenure on the town council, particularly those related to the Rheem Theater and Hacienda.
Zoom Meeting login for tonight's council meeting:
Telephone dial in:
Dial US: +1 669 900 6833 and enter Webinar ID: 878 6045 5696
Nextdoor discussion: here