Following what appears to have been significant public pushback since news broke of MOFD Director Baitx placing a union-requested exploration of the financial implications and process overview for dissolution/merger of MOFD with Contra Costa County Fire on MOFD‘s May 19 meeting agenda (our original story here), it appears that a retreat of sorts is occurring at the fire house.
Don't let that lull you into a false sense of security. This saga is going to continue for at least another week.
At least two union-backed Directors are stating via emails to residents that they're not in favor of exploring a merger and are suggesting the item may be pulled from the agenda, which would end any exploration or discussion. At least for the time being.
We don't think the agenda item can be removed outside of a public meeting since it was placed on the agenda during one. That likely means the item will remain, and directors will have to formally vote to remove it, perhaps after having a discussion as to why it was thought by its originator as a worthwhile topic to be placed on the agenda to begin with.
Separately - and as we outlined in a follow-up story here - at its 5/12 meeting the Moraga Town Council will consider formally opposing any further exploration of a dissolution/merger of the fire district.
We suggest residents continue to weigh in with their thoughts, emailing them to the MOFD Board and to their respective town/city councils. We think a merger is a bad idea and even discussing the ”what ifs” is a fool’s errand. See our original article and contact information for MOFD and the town/city councils here.
A robust NextDoor discussion continues here.